Michael Osei, better known as Nana Yaw Osei Tenkorang, a TV host based in Takoradi, has died mysteriously as his body was discovered dead in his room. He was rushed to the hospital, but he was declared dead upon arrival.
The sad event occurred on Monday, January 2, 2024, at his residence in Takoradi. The 35-year-old was a fourth-year Islamic University student studying public relations.
On Monday, February 5, the New Day TV morning show host was scheduled to start work early, but she did not show up. His phone went unanswered several times, leading his colleagues to suspect foul play.
Upon investigation, it was discovered that his home gates were secured, yet his phone continued to ring. His room was broken into with other tenants’ help, and he was discovered unconscious on his bed.
He was well-known for his experience in the media sector, having previously worked for Starr TV and other local Koforidua media outlets.
A close friend of Nana Yaw Osei Tenkorang, Kwaku Nkansah Obrempon, lamented,
“I regret to inform you of the untimely passing of Michael Osei (Nanasei), our brother and friend.
Nana Yaw Osei Tenkorang leaves behind a wife and two children, residing in Akyem Tafo, Eastern Region. The deceased was employed by New Day TV, located in Takoradi.