Technical Universities Administrators Association of Ghana held its 8th national delegates conference at the Takoradi Technical University Auditorium on Tuesday, September 11 under theme Strategic Role of Administrators in the Technical Universities for Sustainable Development in Ghana.
Administrators from the eight technical universities in Ghana converged at the TTU Auditorium to discuss how they can collectively and successfully impact the growth of the technical universities in Ghana.
The event was chaired by Vice Chancellor of the Takoradi Technical University Professor Victor K.B Micah and also Mr. Ato Van-Ess, CEO of Western Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry as the Guest Speaker.
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During his speech as the Guest Speaker, Mr. Ato Van-Ess called on all TUAAG members to work hard for the good of the students on the campus, he likened members of administration to the three corner stones
“With my experienced in academia and administration and my believe in technical and vocational institutions as critical to the socioeconomic of every nation.
I will advise you focus on your purpose as Technical and Vocational Institution, the catalyst to the socioeconomic role in Ghana just like the three stone cutters”.
New leadership to steer affairs for the TUAAG was also inaugurated led by President Mr. Eric Degraft Otoo, Vice President Mrs. Deborah Adjei, General Secretary Mr. Isaac Tetteh Mensah, Mr. Francis Famebo as the Treasurer and Organizing Secretary as Foster Kwakye – the handing over ceremony followed.
The newly elected president of TUAAG, Mr. Eric Degraft Otoo urged members of the association to be up and doing to ensure the success of the technical universities.
“Let me take the opportunity also that in the brevity of my inaugural speech to make a very special appeal to all our members that we have a daunting task to prove to all skeptics that the conversion of the polytechnics to technical universities is indeed a mistake by working very hard, by carrying out our responsibilities and duties so as to even over perform to the expectation of these skeptics and doom-sayers.
“And I believe in you and I know that you are able or more than able to do far more abundantly that I expect from you.
“Other things that we have on hand; I’m putting pressure on our government for the retooling of our institution so that whatever we need to do we are able to do them as expected of us, these will enable us to cooperate with government to achieve its flagship programs of putting Ghana beyond aid as well as the success of the one district one factory program” – President of TUAAG, Mr. Eric Degraft Otoo.